Saturday, August 18, 2012


We've already covered the fact that I am not your average blogger. I guess the main reason I made this blog is to entertain myself... But I'd also like to think of it as somewhat of an "accountability blog." A place where I can record my thoughts on recent events and how my daily life is affecting my handwork. Funny to put it that way, but this is something that I am trying to get serious about and once the Medicare open enrollment season is over, I plan to put a LOT more effort into this. Maybe I'll even link up with some other, more established, bloggers!! That would be exciting :)

Until then.... I will try to at least keep up-to-date on my projects as well as work on getting better at this!

So the project that I am currently spending the most time on is my purple and white chevron baby afghan. It is more than halfway done and I just got so much more done tonight! I really enjoy crochet, but I must admit that I am getting a little bit frustrated with the slow progress of a single-stitch. At least it is coming along beautifully... I can't wait to post pictures and to get it posted up on Etsy! I just love being able to share what I do with others... It's so gratifying <3

PS - did I mention how great The Vampire Diaries is?!

TTFN <3 tyd

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


OH! Look who came to say hello!!!

My doggy - Ellsworth <3

Hello folks! Today is officially day 2 of being a blogger! And guess what?! I PASSED my FL state health insurance and variable annuity exam!!! In case you have seen my Etsy shop, you have probably noticed how few items that I have posted... 7 to be exact. And I am blaming that tiny, pathetic number on my state insurance class!! I just spent an entire week of studying from wakey-time 'til sleepy-time. It wasn't fun, but it'll be well worth it once I get working and can better fund my new little business! Yay!

Also: Yay for learning to knit!

I have always loved to crochet but for some unknown reason I have never learned to knit. I've always wanted to, however, so tonight just seems like the perfect time to start. I'm coming down from the stress of the exam and I'll be recovering from my evil root canal, so why not occupy my mind with something that will benefit my emotional well-being in the long-run?!

If anybody has ideas for beginners knit-stitches (or whatever they are called!!) let me know! I love learning fun new things :)

Monday, August 13, 2012


Hi y'all, my name is Kasey! Here I am... Along with my amazing graduation cake!! Can you believe I actually graduated with a "Citrus" degree?! How cool is that... :)

Graduation day! 

I am not a blogger. I am not a writer. Heck - I'm just your average person that loves to make special things and be creative. I'm hoping that I can figure out the way of the blogger and in due time create a nice little page. For what, you ask? I guess for anything. Everything. 

I love creativity.

I love sharing perspectives on the everyday tidbits that are life.

I also love people who would like to comment and help give me some direction!! If you couldn't guess, I am already so lost as to what to say. So I guess this is a good place to end my first post. 

Please. Help. Me!!!! 

PS - I surely didn't intend on starting off my beautiful blog with this but I just feel the need to vent. You know that old saying, "when it rains, it pours"? That's about how I'm feeling right now. I was informed today that I would need a root canal and not 12 hours later a DIFFERENT filling breaks and falls out. Yup - now I have two teeth that are causing extreme pain. Isn't it funny how one minute you can be happily crocheting and cute little owl and the next: WHAM! BAM! PAIN!